Endangered Cultural Heritage in the Global South Hub
Radiocarbon and Diet Conference, June 2023
Society for East Asian Archaeology, SEAA9
Society of Medieval Archaeology Annual Conference
OCMA Conference - MT 2021
14-15 August 2021, ONLINE
GAO 2021 - 7-9 May 2021
Seminar Series with SOAS, 2021
EMBERS2021 25-26 March 2021
AEA Spring Conference - Sat 24 April
SCARF workshop 29 February 2020
Bardha'a Colloquium 27-28 February 2020
MAGS 2020 - 22-23 February
BANEA 9-11 Jan 2020
OXREP 19-20 September 2019
Calendar of Archaeological Conferences
For more information about any of the conferences being hosted here in Oxford please click here and please get in touch if you think your archaeological conference should be listed below.
AAPA (American Association of Physical Anthropologists)
AEA (Association for Environmental Archaeology), Open Science Practices in Environmental Archaeology spring conference
Alexandria and the Sea, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford
AMS15 (15th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry )
BABAO (British Association for Biological Anthropology)
BANEA (The British Association of near Eastern Archaeology)
Bardha'a Colloquium 27-28 February 2020 at the University of Oxford
CAA (48th International Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference)
EAA (European Association of Archaeologists)
EMBERS2020 (Eurasian Metallurgy from Beginning to End: a Research Symposium)
ESHE (Annual European Society for the Study of Human Evolution Meeting),
GAO Conference - Graduate Archaeology at Oxford Annual Conference
ICAANE (International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East)
ICAZ Archaeomalacology Working Group – Molluscs and Ancient Human Societies Conference
IKUWA7 (7th International Congress for Underwater Archaeology)
ISA (43rd International Symposium on Archaeometry)
ISBA (9th International Symposium on Biomolecular Archaeology)
MAGS (Maritime Archaeology Graduate Symposium)
RAC (Roman Archaeology Conference)
Radiocarbon and Diet 2020 St Anne's College, Oxford
REI-III (Third International Radiocarbon in the Environment Conference)
SAA (Annual Meeting for the Society of American Archaeology)
SAFA (Society of Africanist Archaeologists), University of Oxford
Society for Medieval Archaeology Annual Conference
SCARF (South Caucasus Archaeological Research Forum)
TAG (Theoretical Archaeology Group)
UISPP (International Union of the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences)
Understanding Authenticity in China's Cultural Heritage
WAC (World Archaeological Congress)