Our degree offers specialist teaching in small groups from academics conducting pioneering research at the frontiers of academic scholarship. While studying with us our students have access to outstanding library resources, museum collections, archives and laboratories. The degree combines archaeology and anthropology throughout the course and is structured to be flexible, avoiding excessive specialisation while emphasising student choice.
Increasingly career prospects are one of the key deciding factors by which students choose their degree. Both Schools (Archaeology for the past three years and Anthropology for the past year) have been ranked number 1 in the QS Top Universities World Rankings by Subject, and, one of the key metrics of this ranking is employer confidence in the quality of graduates produced. We have graduates enjoying successful careers across an increasingly broad range of industries and sectors and next year we will be highlighting members of our alumni community across our online platforms.
We will be hosting various events next year to celebrate our degree and our students and staff, past and present.
We hope that some of you will join us at these and we invite our alumni to get in touch with us and share their updates with us in the meantime.
If you want to know more about our degree and how to apply click here or get in touch with us by email.
In July 2020 we will be running the second of our UNIQ Summer Schools. This is FREE to attend and places are open to state school first year A-Level (or equivalent) year 12 students with good grades from backgrounds that are under-represented at Oxford. The deadline for applications is the 27 January 2020. Apply here.