Oxford Roman Economy Project Conference
19-20 September 2019
The Old Library, All Souls College, University of Oxford
This conference aims to bring together specialists in Roman frontiers and economic history to discuss new evidence and approaches to studying the economic life of border regions around the Roman world. While economic life has never featured heavily in studies of Roman frontier regions, economic studies of the Roman Empire have tended to focus mostly on Mediterranean regions. This split in research agendas has created a model of economic geography in the Roman Empire that is very much based in out-dated core-periphery models of interaction, where an economically-successful core region was forced to support frontier regions through surplus redistribution by the state. This model fails to accommodate the everexpanding body of archaeological and historical material that highlights both chronological and geographical variability in frontier economies, and we feel that it is time to discuss new ideas that may move the discussion forward into a better integrated and more dynamic economic history.
This conference is generously supported by the Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford, All Souls College, the Augustus Foundation, and the Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies. There is no conference fee, but to help us estimate numbers for tea and coffee those who wish to attend are asked to register by emailing OXREP.frontiers@gmail.com.
Tyler Franconi
Andrew Wilson
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