RLAHA Green Impact Team Recommends...

swith off

Unplug your workstation before leaving the office at the end of each day, but especially before the extended holiday season break! Find more ways that the University is reducing its energy consumption via the Be energy friendly campaign https://www.ox.ac.uk/news-and-events/energy-friendly


photo of bike lights

Travel safely by bicycle this holiday season! Ensure that your bikes are road safe with a forward white light and a rear red light so pedestrians, fellow cyclists and vehicle traffic can see you during these early dark nights. Discounts on bike lights and D-locks are available for students and staff https://travel.web.ox.ac.uk/bike/security




good to go app logo

Reduce local food waste and get great discounted food from your local cafes, restaurants, bakeries and grocery stores using the Too Good To Go app






Eat vegetarian/vegan meals once or twice a week - it makes a large difference over time. For tasty and easy vegetarian recipies check out the BBC’s collection: https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/collections/1_best_vegetarian_recipes



Get an Oddbox subscription that reduces food waste by having delicious but wonky veg and fruit delivered to your door. 





Reduce plastic waste by finding easy refill alternatives for soaps and cleaning supplies. Raindrop provides tablets that produce foaming hand soap when you add water so it reduces the plastic waste of both buying new hand soap dispensers and less waste than soap refill containers.