Market Archaeology

Welcome to Market Archaeology!

Photograph of the shop signs which hang on the wall outside the Teardrop bar and the Cellar Door

Brought to you in association with the Teardrop Bar and Market Cellar Door in the Covered Market, Oxford.

You are here because you found our art installation in the Teardop Bar created by the School's Artist in Residence, Miranda Creswell.  Given where you are, it's likely that you are currently contemplating or enjoying one of the drinks provided by Luciana and Stuart. As they begin to pour your beverage of choice, have a think about the glass vessel receiving the wine, beer or mead. In a minute we're going to introduce you to Dr Victoria Sainsbury. She's an archaeological scientist who specialises in glass manufacture, production, usage and destruction in the archaeological record. In the time it takes you to enjoy your drink, she's going to share with you some of her knowledge about ancient glass and also speak to you (link to her podcast below) about how those ingenious Romans recycled glass! 

Cheers! Now, click on the images below to hear from Dr Sainsbury.