Wednesdays 4–5 pm, every term
Lecture Room, Pauling Centre, 58a Banbury Rd.
Convenors: Dylan Gaffney, Thomas Püschel, Katarina Almeida-Warren
This series consists of weekly seminars throughout term time that bring together scholars and students interested in all aspects of human evolution. Speakers include established and emerging academics involved in cutting edge research in Palaeolithic archaeology, palaeoanthropology, ancient genetics and palaeogenomics, cognitive anthropology and evolutionary psychology, palaeoecology, geochronology, palaeontology, and more. The series was started in 2024 as a joint initiative between the School of Archaeology and the School of Anthropology & Museum Ethnography at the University of Oxford. It developed from its predecessor PalQuat (Palaeolithic and Quaternary Seminar Series), which was hosted at the Institute of Archaeology since the early 2000s. For enquires about the series or presenting a seminar, please contact the convenors.